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Table 4 Support scientists would have liked for explanatory analysis

From: Supporting cognition in systems biology analysis: findings on users' processes and design implications


Edges in networks weighted by biological traits


Overlays of protein-protein interactions and disease associations


Overlays of protein-protein interactions and relevant pathways


Distinctions between proteins and other molecules that might serve as mediators of interactions, e.g. enzymes


Test statistics and counts (e.g. # of interactions, # of articles, overrepresentation of a functional term) and perceptually encoding nodes or links by them


Updating of interactions (e.g. selection, color coding) across views – e.g. across overlaid networks


Facile filtering (users had to use mini-scripting to filter)


Facile color-coding (at the time it took 15+ steps to color code)


Integrating one's own data into the displayed dataset


Simplifying networks through zooming, filtering, color-coding, expanding some nodes but not others, mapping only select neighbors to pathways


Conducting computations on networks to find e.g. shared paths to identify indirect interactions or recurrent or aberrant patterns that might signal a biologically significant set of relationships


Spaces for comparing different networks side-by-side with dynamically linked interactions


Spaces for aggregating entities on the fly into manipulable qualitative attributes based on emerging knowledge (e.g. normal vs disease conditions)